dg31a. Ход 1

Schedule ***

Mon: at 15:10 23:50
Tue: at 15:10 23:50
Wed: at 15:10 23:50
Thu: at 15:10 23:50
Fri: at 15:10 23:50

Instant turn generation mode: ON
On hold to 04/12/2005 23:59

*** Information ***

Game: dg31a
Turn: 0 (04/08/2005 23:51)
Race: Wad

Options list:

3 planets version.
Clustered map.
Hide changing of production.
Dismantlement to capital.
Terraforming version.
GIFT command disabled.
Drive limit enabled.

Current server uptime: 92:05:43

С уважением - Вад.