dg300. Ход 69

HI! to ALL! from NYC, the Capital of the World!
Zmey is my native race.
I gave to guy my race in Sempteber when I went to NYC.
A few days ago "Zmej" connected with me and said a situation in this
galaxy to me.
I write a race, which, I think and early thought, wining in this game!
Of course, I'd my race won, but when I saw the first turn my guy, I
understood, It'd difficult!
I read last messages and saw a few mistakes my guy!
I don't want to talk about it and I don't disturb about future my
The armageddon began for me!
Please, those races which haven't contact with me and
races, which don't want to add to war against to me,
write to me or soon I'll write to you.
When I managed my race, my race had the first rate!
I want to box my enemies, I want to fight!
And most important I have a free time to strike!
Because my time is an expensive as yours.
Soon I take the rule. May be, this turn ;) don't worry guys 8)
I have a fun , I have a drive! :D
I know my enemies, I wil be working a personally.
Ya nelyublyu pisat' translitom eto samoe durnoe is durnyx!
Who was winner, which wrote on the translit?
Я буду писать кириллицей тем у кого нет познаний в английском и тяги к
английскому. Но мне придется набирать текст намного дольше!
Учитывайте это!
I haven't a russian keybord.
Как и разницу во времени!
Good night!
To care, Zmey.