dg2645. Ход 35

Hi to all, i really thought ill get away from broadcast writing, but it
seems that its not possible in any game, especialy if you survive almost to
the end:) I took planet #46 witch was bombed by Union, because Union took
planet #135 when i was in war with Kurok. I offered Bacilica cooperation in
war against Union, wanted to help him to defend, but instead of that he
pissed in his pants and wrote a hateful wall that i am a peace breaker:))
Bacilica if youll attack me, youll get my fleet over you planets, so start
making peace with Union, because it will be hard to defend from both of us
I will not write more broadcasts, because i am sure that i did not do
anything wrong
I'm from abroad and i do not have any alliances or friends here. Soory for